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Sr Regent Message - August 2019

Dear Co-Workers,

Happy August!

Can’t believe how fast the summer went. Soon school will start, football season will be upon us and pump- kins will be out.

I was privileged to a end the Moose International Conference in Las Vegas at the end of June where I received my Star Recorder Degree. Lana Hendricks also received her College of Regents Degree. It was great to see so many Moose members in one place and is a great learning experience.

The Grand Council of the Women of the Moose met in Las Vegas this past January. Based on requests and observations, the following changes to the Women of the Moose General Laws become effective August 1, 2019.

Sec on 34 – MOOSEHAVEN RESIDENT will now read All Moosehaven residents are exempt from paying dues to their primary chapter. This will bring this sec on of the General Laws into alignment with that of the Loyal Order of Moose.

Sec on 35 – LIFE MEMBERSHIP will now include a new dues structure. This would change the Women of the Moose General Laws Sec on 35 from a at cost of $400.00 to a. Any active co-worker may purchase a Life Membership in her chapter by paying to Moose International the appropriate sum listed below. One half of the funds will be maintained by Moose International; one half shall be remitted to the member’s chapter in which she is purchasing the Life Membership. The fees are as follows, based on current years of membership.

Length of membership:

0-14 years $600, 15-19 years $400, 20-24 years $350, 25-29 years $300, 30-34 years $250, 35-39 years $200, 40-44 years $150, 45-49 years Buyout

Sec on 80, e. will be updated to say A dispensation shall be secured from Women of the Moose at Moose International to secure a chapter debit/credit card for the purpose of paying member dues, securing internet service, paying Moose International statement of account, securing Conference hotel reservations, and remitting Moose Charities Endowment donations only.

Sec on 92 – In reference to the makeup of the NOMINATING COMMITTEE

a. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Board of Officers, three (3) Past Regents in order of juniority and five (5) co-workers of the chapter to be appointed by the Senior Regent, who are either appointed officers, Chapter Development or Higher Degrees Committee Chairmen, or Past Regents.

b. Any Past Regent who is not one (1) of the three (3)in juniority or who may have transferred in, may be appointed as one (1) of the five (5) co-workers appointed by the Senior Regent.

f. A former Senior Regent, who did not qualify to be a Past Regent in the chapter, is not eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee as one (1) of the three (3) Past Regents in juniority.

I also wish to share a quote from the Grand Chancellor’s Keynote Address that resonated with me; I hope it does for you as well.

“There will be many children who seek refuge where they feel safe and secure – a happy place where they can learn – and at the end of the rainbow, they can become better citizens and learn to care for others. The senior members of our order will continue to need care – a place they can call home where they will no longer have to worry about making ends meet and a place to take me for themselves. Help them find a new way of living. It’s easy – just remember where we came from.”

Cheryl Timm

-Senior Regent

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