Happy Spring!
It is May already... this year is already flying by. May 1st starts a new year for the Women of the Moose and brings with it a new Board of Officers.
Your new Board is as follows:
Cheryl Timm – Senior Regent
Gina Lujan – Junior Regent
Lana Hendricks – Secretary/Treasurer
Heather Kauffman - Recorder
Laura Pate – Junior Graduate Regent
What a great group of women I will have the pleasure of working with this year!
In addition, we have five (5) new committee chairs. They are:
Shirley Adkison Terri Moye Mel Darby
Linda Landon
Kelli Adkison
They will be conducting fundraisers throughout the year for our children at Mooseheart and our seniors at Moosehaven! Be sure to support them and the causes they are raising funds for. I hope this year brings us lots of learning, new ideas, and fun!
I look forward to seeing everyone around the lodge. If anyone would like to sit down and talk ideas about membership retention, new ideas for fundraisers, activities you’d like to see, or to just chat, let me know. I’d love to visit with you.
Please check out the calendar for all the ac vi es this month. Here’s to a great year as we set o on our journey!
Cheryl Timm
Senior Regent