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  • Writer's pictureCheyenne Moose Lodge

Sr Regent Message - November 2018


Happy Fall to All. Thank you to EVERYONE for making our Founders Day such a huge success. It was a wonderful day and we made some wonderful new friends that will hopefully decide to become members.

We are having a Cribbage Tournament on the 10th of this month which should be an entertaining time!

Don’t forget that the women of the Moose are selling Nuts again this year. We will try to be here for all meals so you can pick up your favorite treat!

Also the Women are selling chances to win a Lifetime Membership to the WOTM. Men can buy a “line” and give their win to the Lady of their choice. In addition we are discounting renewal fees if you renew or join for two years. Renew for two years for $40.00, or new members pay for two years for $60.00. The fees have to be paid directly to our chapter, not online or in the mail, to get the discount.

Don’t forget that we will be having our Thanksgiving Dinner on the 18th. I hope that everyone can come down and join us for a scrumptious turkey dinner! Oh, and we will be accepting pie donations thru the 15th of November.

See you at the Lodge!

Laura Pate

Senior Regent




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