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  • Writer's pictureCheyenne Moose Lodge

Governors Message - March 2018

Brothers and Sisters,

March is here and that means the Moose lodge will be nominating new officers for the men’s board. We

are looking for those members who are willing to dedicate themselves to helping the lodge succeed. Mike Hughes, our new administrator, is doing a terrific job and new dedicated board members will be the key to our lodge’s success.

There will be a box as you come in the door with applications to fill out. Just ll out the application, put it in the box and the board will sit down with those individuals to discuss your desire to run for a board position.

I want to thank Dan Creed for bringing in the brackets for the bathroom par on. They worked out great, Thanks Dan!

Until next month...... Stay warm and support your lodge

Your humble governor Ben Adkison

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