Fellow Co-Workers:
Well, another month has already passed us by. We have accomplished great things in the last couple of

months. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has come to the meetings and also for all of those who have volunteered their precious time to help out in the kitchen and around the Lodge.
The WOTM are looking for volunteers who would like to help decorate the hall for special occasions. If you would like to volunteer, please contact any of the WOTM officers. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
We will be extremely busy the next couple of months getting ready for the State Conference. If anyone would like to help please let any of the LOOM or WOTM officers know. We are in need of volunteers to go to businesses in the Cheyenne area and see if they would like to advertise in our Conference Program. The State Conference will be at the Cheyenne Moose Lodge August 24th – 27th. We hope to have a great turnout and I will let you know more as we come closer to the date.
A few things to remember for the month of July (other than the usual monthly meals):
Tuesday, July 4th is Independence Day – Membership Appreciation BBQ at 11:00 (side dishes and desserts needed) – Horseshoe Tournament at 1:00
Friday, July 7th is Pizza & Beer Pong – come on down and join in the fun
Saturday, July 8th is the Annual POKER RUN (It had to be cancelled in June)
Saturday, July 16th – CHRISTMAS IN JULY – Donations will be accepted until Friday July 14th (so we time to put everything together)
Wednesday, July 26th is CHEYENNE DAY – a concert has been scheduled with Andria Goodman – come on down and enjoy the music and good times.
Friday, July 28th – Member Appreciation BOGO
Saturday, July 29th – Bloody Mary Bar – 9:00 – Noon
WOTM MEETINGS: Thursday, July 6th at 6:30
Thursday, July 20th at 6:30
We would love to have you join us.
Until next month …
Fraternally Yours,
Vera Lightfoot
Senior Regent 2017-2018