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  • Writer's pictureCheyenne Moose Lodge

Message From Your Sr. Regent- November 2016

Hope everyone is ready for the cold weather. Thanks to everyone who bought cradles for "Mooseheart".

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

We encourage everyone to join us for our dinners coming up throughout the Holiday Season. If you can volunteer for meals we would very appreciate the help. We have been forced to cancel several meals during November due to not having volunteers to staff them.

WOTM will be having our annual nut sales soon...they are ordered and should arrive soon. A great opportunity to stock up for winter baking or just for a sweet or salty snack.

We need donations of turkey's and pies for the upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner scheduled for November 20th. Please drop off the turkeys and pies by the 16th of November.

Also wanted to send a special thank you to all the people from Big Country Speedway for coming out!

Lana Hendricks

Sr. Regent

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