June 2019

Moose International Convention 2019

Moose International Convention is taking place in Las Vegas from June 27th thru July 1st. You can still go online and register to attend (Click here to register). This year Jon Taffer, star of Paramount Network’s hit show Bar Rescue, will present a special session on Saturday June 29th. As a keynote speaker, Taffer taps into his vast experience that spans the entire spectrum of food and beverage areas. We look forward to his ideas on how to improve our Lodge.
Board Of Officers
Lodge #257
Governor- William Stackhouse
JR Governor- Robert Pate
Past Governor- Vacant
Prelate- Nathan Blea
Treasurer- Shawn Timm
1-Year Trustee- Jim Powers
2-Year Trustee- Terrence McDonnell
3-Year Trustee- Robert Rood
Administrator- Dean Straub
Senior Regent- Cheryl Timm
Junior Regent- Gina Lujan
Jr. Grad Regent- Laura Pate
Sec./Treasurer- Lana Hendricks
Recorder- Heather Kauffman
Monthly Meetings
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
Lodge Hours

Sunday 8:30am- 9:00pm
M-TH 2:00pm-10:00pm
Friday 10:00am-Midnight
Saturday 8:30am- Midnight
Message From Your Governor

I would like to thank you for the trust you have shown me to be the next Governor of our great lodge. It is truly an honor for me. I am looking forward to working with our new board of officers over the next year.
After attending the midyear conference in Laramie, there was several ideas shared about improving membership to which I am going to explore with the board and try to implement this year. Also, we as the board need to examine ways to get more participation for our floor meetings.
Another item we will be working on is trying to attain premier lodge for our lodge. After talking with a few individuals, we should be able to do this for 2019.
Some other items we will be doing this month is a clean up around our Lodge this Sunday, 5 May a er the breakfast. Then on the 12 of May the men will be cooking breakfast for Mother’s Day. Then lastly on Memorial Day we will be having a BBQ for member recognition.
Lastly, I would like to thank you for your support. If at any me you have a comment or suggestion, feel free to talk with me. I am truly looking to working with and serving the Lodge this year.
Willie Stackhouse
Message From Your Senior Regent

Dear Co-Workers,
Welcome, June and hopefully summertime! Check your calendar for activities this month, we have a lot of meals planned!
During the 2019 Midyear Conference of the Wyoming Moose Association, the Loyal Order of the Moose unanimously approved moving forward with a program, inviting Chapters within the Moose Association to join them in their objective to:
* Aid and promote the purposes of the Loyal Order of the Moose; * Build membership strength in the Order; * Stimulate participation in Community Service Programs; * Adopt programs and projects for the betterment of Mooseheart and Moosehaven, to include the building of the Endowment Fund for the support of these institutions; * Coordinate programs and directives of Moose International, Inc. and the Supreme Lodge.
This is relatively new within the Moose Fraternity and is a very exciting opportunity.
In accordance with the procedures established by Moose International and the Women of the Moose, all chapter within the Wyoming Moose Association is required to call a special meeting of their membership to determine if the Chapter is willing to become a part of this program and join the Association.
Cheyenne Chapter #1133 will be mailing out flyers soon to notify all co-workers of our special meeting scheduled for June 13, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cheyenne Moose Lodge. If the vote is successful, Women of the Moose Chapter would receive the same support and service from the Association that Lodges do. This includes, but is not limited to new member campaigns, training, Chapter visitations and operations assistance from Moose Association officers and chairs. It would also allow our co-workers to have a voice in the decision of the Wyoming-Western Nebraska Association and we would be allowed to serve as Association Chairman District Presidents, and the elected Association Officers.
I hope each and every one you will attend the meeting and have your voice heard. If you have any questions, please speak to an officer of our Chapter.
Have a safe and happy June and hope to see you around the Lodge. As always, if you have ideas, want to volunteer or just have a chat, I am always available.
Cheryl Timm
-Senior Regent
Message From Your Administrator

Hello Brothers and Sisters:
June is here, and summer is just around the corner, the Moose International Convention is in Las Vegas this year June 27th thru July 1st. all members are eligible to go to the convention.
If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 or just talk to any lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in.
I would like to also Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge. We will be having a new member orientation on June 22nd all new and existing members are encouraged to attend the orientation to learn more about the Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart and Moosehaven, Check out your June calendar for all other upcoming events and meals.
If there is something you would like to see at the Lodge or if you would like to volunteer for anything you can e-mail me at cheyennelodge257@bresnan.net
The men’s membership meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month you are welcome to join us if you would like.
Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.
Fraternally yours:
Dean Straub – Administrator
Memorial Day Celebration
Thank you to Terry Mcdonnell, Karen Hughes and Robert Rood for taking part in the Memorial Day ceremony to honor our de- parted military members. And thank you to Carol Steinhouer for making the wreath.
New Members

LOOM #257
Richard McVeigh
Rick Paessler
WOTM #1133
Michael Ann Kudebeh
Jody Paessler
Alice Zimmerman
Anne Darby

Please contact
Nathan Blea
LOOM Prelate To advise of any ill and/or hospitalized and any deaths in LOOM members’ families. Thank you
Please contact,
Gina Lujan @ 307-286-2863
to advise of any ill and/ or hospitalized.
(leave a message if no answer)
Contact Shirley Adkison @ 307-640-1904 and/or any deaths in WOTM members’, families and for scheduling, planning or to help with funeral.
If Anyone has anything for the newsletter please email it to news@cheyennemooselodge.com

Attention All Members
If you or someone you know isn't receiving this e-newsletter; it is likely due to either us not having an email address for you or an outdated email address. Many of the email addresses in our system are out of date.
Please email us at news@cheyennemooselodge.com with current email addresses.

The 2nd LOOM meeting has been moved to Monday, June 24th at 5:00 this month
Men’s Meeting Hours Have Changed!!! Moose Legion Meetings start at 5:30 LOOM Meetings start at 5:00
This Month's Birthday's

Moose Happenings
Our Lodge Has Great Meals and Events
Find our events on Facebook for information on specific dates and times

Monday - Friday
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Queen of Hearts
- Fridays
Drawing at 7:00
This Month's Special Events

French Dip Dinner

Fathers Day Buffet
June 16th

June 22nd

May 18th
5:30 - 7:00pm

June 22nd
Giant Jenga
For Moose Riders
Monthly Meals At The Moose

See Calendar for dates

See Calendar for dates

Tuesdays - 5:30-7:00 pm
Wednesdays 5:30pm - 7:00pm
See Calendar for dates
5:30pm - 7:00pm
See Calendar for dates
Including Moose Races!
See Calendar for dates
5:30 - 7:00 PM
On the menu this month
Live & Onions

The Governor and the Senior Regent would like to hear from you.
If you have any questions or suggestions please submit in writing at the Lodge to an officer or the bartender.
Thank you!
Have something you would like to see in the next newsletter....email us