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  • Writer's pictureCheyenne Moose Lodge

Message From Your Senior Regent - May 2017

Fellow Co-Workers:

As I write this letter, I have yet to be installed into the office of Senior Regent for Women of the Moose

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Cheyenne Chapter #1133. I am very proud and humbled to be able to be the next Senior Regent. There are many excellent footsteps to follow, and I hope I can follow them well. I would like to extend a HUGE Thank You to Lana, Amanda, Kimy, Gina and Cheryl for all their hard work and a job well done for 2016-2017.

I would also like to extend another HUGE Thank You to all of the great women who have agreed to serve as a committee chairman and to those who agreed to serve on the Installation team. Thank you Ladies – I will introduce you to the officer team and committee chairmen in the next newsletter.

I am new at this, and therefore am asking you to bear with me, teach me, and learn with me. With everyone working together, this can be a great year for all of us.

I have some ideas for the new year that will be discussed at the first couple of meetings. I am also going to need the help of the new LOOM officers for a couple of the ideas that I have. I hope that we will be able to join our forces as one to make the Cheyenne Moose Lodge the Family Organization that I know it can be.

A few things to remember for the month of May:

Friday, May 5th – Cinco De Mayo – There will be a Fundraiser dinner for Rikki Darling

Friday, May 13th is a Poker Tournament

Sunday, May 14th is Mother’s Day and the LOOM with be making breakfast for the women – Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mom’s and grandma’s out there.

And, last, but not least is Monday, May 29th which is Memorial Day. There will be a BBQ from 11:00 – 1:00 followed by a horseshoe tournament at 1:00. Donations for the BBQ would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I have probably overdone my room for the newsletter, so I’d better sign off for now.

Until next month …

Fraternally Yours,

Vera Lightfoot

Senior Regent 2017-2018

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